Monday, June 21, 2010

Event: Evening with Chen Yue-hsia, Chen Yu-fong & Diane Wilson on Protecting the Environment!

Tommorow Evening With Chen Yue-hsia and Chen Yu-fong on Protecting the Environment!

"Grassroots Avant Gard Warriors for the Land” Seminar and Discussion" – Free of Charge

Time: 22 June 2010 (Tuesday) 1900-2130

Place: Chiayi University Auxilary Primary School, No. 46 Linsen E Rd, Chiayi City (next to the Yushan Hotel at No 410 Gonghe Rd).

Host: WUN Lu-bin (Robin Winkler)

CHEN, Yue-hsia, CHEN Yu-fong 'advocates of environmental land ethics'
Diane Wilson (long time US environmental activist, representing Texas Injured Workers Alliance).
-What brings a woman shrimper across the ocean to confront Taiwan’s Petrochemical Empire?
-During this visit to Taiwan by environmental activist Diane Wilson we are especially honored to host her along with leading Taiwan environmental and land ethics advocates CHEN Yue-hsia and CHEN Yu-fong for an evening of dialog on western and eastern environmental philosophy, an evening of resonance between the mountain forests and the coastal seas in what we hope will bring new perspectives to Taiwan’s environmental movement as we continue the battle for the land!
(Interpretation provided)

-WUN, Lu-bin: Lead in and Introductions to tonight’s guests (10 min).
-Diane Wilson: How a Texas Fisherwoman Finds Herself in Taiwan Up Against Formosa Plastics [with interpretation] (30min).
-CHEN, Yue-hsia and CHEN, Yu-fong: Grassroots Battles - Past Present and Future (80 min).
The discussion may continue afterwards at the Yushan Hotel

This is a free event open to the public!

Sponsored by Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association Taiwan and the Chiayi Hongya Culture Association (No. 116 Changrong Str, Chiayi City).

For additional information or questions please call Sec Gen GUO Ying-liang (0929531800) or Yu Guo-sin (0929536133).

Map to get to the event

All Welcome!

The site can accommodate 200 people.


「草 根先鋒開講,為土地而戰」嘉義座談會 免費開放!

時間:99年6月22 (二)下午19:00~21:30


主 持人:文魯彬
與談人: 陳月霞老師、陳玉峰老師(環境土地倫理提倡者)

Diane Wilson (美國資深環 保運動人士、德州工傷聯盟代表)

* 本活動將安排現場口譯

* 一個西方捕蝦女漁民為何跨海來到台 灣、卯上台灣石化王國?在美國環保運動





二、Diane Wilson:一個女漁夫為何跨海來台卯上台塑(現場口譯) 30min
、陳玉峰:草根運動、過去現在和未來的戰事  80min


* 主辦單位:台灣蠻野心足協會、嘉義市洪雅文化協會(嘉市長榮街116號)

演講地點在嘉大附小 交通路線 如圖



下方附有陳月霞老師提 供的文章:

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